FO LDO Price as on 01st October 2024.

FO LDO price revised on October 1st 2024. Furnaceoil (FO) and Lightdieseloil (LDO) prices in India from visakha depo changed. At the Visakha depot, the price of Furnaceoil went up by Rs. 1190 per kiloliter (KL), an increase of 2.44%. Now Furnaceoil(FO) price is Rs.49,879.33 per KL. Furnaceoil(fo) price per metric ton (MT) also went up by Rs. 1240 or 2.44%, bringing the price to Rs. 51,990 per MT. Lightdieseloil(LDO) price significantly dropped Rs. 950 or 1.62% from Rs.58,650 to Rs.57,700 per KL. However, the price of Superiorkeroseneoil (SKO) remains the same at