crude today 01-01-2019

Check out for Prices!

By Srinivas Chowdary Sunkara // petrobazaar // 1st Jan, 2019.

Brent rose $1.6 to $53.8 and WTI closed up at $45.41, after an increase 8 cents yesterday. Both the crude futures prices increased modestly on Monday. The U.S president tweet claiming the progress on possible U.S – China trade deal pushed oil prices up in the early trade. Later on Traders started focusing the bearish china&#39s manufacturing data in Dec. According to National purchasing manager&#39s survey, Chinese manufacturing activity declined in the month of Dec, which was viewed as dampening oil demand. 

Finally, Crude crossed the year 2018 with full year of losses. Both the crude markers lost around 20 pct during the year. Brent rose by almost a third between Jan and Oct, to its highest level since late 2014. From beginning of Oct month, Crude lost above 30 pct after U.S sanctioned waivers larger than expected to the importers of Iran crude. Analysts turned bearish on 2019 on trimming bullish wagers. If producers council could convince with the proposed pact of cuts, Market will have meaningful rally in 2019. Happy New Year. 

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Disclaimer: Views and opinions expressed here are personal. This commentary is for information purposes only and not an offer or a solicitation to sell or buy any physical commodities or financial instruments. The views and analysis are based on reliable public information available at the time of writing. This report and its content cannot be copied, redistributed or reproduced in part or whole without the prior written permission of

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