By Srinivas Chowdary Sunkara // petrobazaar // 30th July, 2019.
Bunker Price Index consist of a range of prices for 380 HSFO, 180 HSFO and MGO (Gasoil) demonstrated slight downward evolution yesterday. In Singapore Port, Both the 180 cSt and 380 cSt graded fuel oil (F.O) prices changed insignificantly down by $1 or 0.21% to $481 and $451 respectively while MGO prices slipped by $4, continuing its downward momentum at $591 yesterday. The world crude oil price indexes also changed insignificant and irregular yesterday after the prospect of an expected interest rate cut by Fed overshadowed pessimism over U.S-China trade talks and economic worries.
Ship and bunker reported that Caroline Yang, who heads up the Singapore Shipping Association (SSA) earmarked 'November 1' as the 'transaction date' for shipping companies to lower sulfur IMO grade fuel. As per market observers, Major ports should have ample stocks of compliant fuel while smaller ports may see shortages over the short term. Shippers such as Singapore's Ocean Tankers have started testing out lower sulphur fuel to prepare their fleet for the transition.
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