Mineral Turpentine Oil (MTO) price. 16-01-2025.

The graph shows solvents prices in Mumbai for the second half of January 2025.

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Mineral Turpentine Oil (MTO) price on 16th January 2025.

Mineral Turpentine Oil (MTO) price remained unchanged for the second half of January 2025.

Mineral Turpentine Oil (MTO) price untouched at BPCL depot, Mumbai. BPCL sells MTO at Rs.81.15 per Ltr. BPCL Hexane price is Rs. 99.70 per liter. BPCL SBP is priced at Rs. 94.05 per liter. BPCL Benzene price is quoted at Rs. 79400 per MT. BPCL Toulene price is rated at Rs. 80000 per MT. BPCL Sulfur price remained unchanged for the second half of January 2025. BPCL Sulfur price is Rs.20140 per Mt.

For Best prices, reach out to srinivas@petrobazaar.com / 9396628880


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