Low Sulphur Heavy Stock (LSHS)

LSHS is pouring into a glass

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LSHS is Low Sulphur Heavy Stock

What is LSHS?

LSHS is Low Sulphur Heavy Stock (LSHS). LSHS is Low Sulphur Heavy Stock (LSHS) is a residual fuel processed from low Sulphur Crude. Due to its high pour point, it requires handling above ambient temperature, to maintain desired fluidity during storage and handling. LSHS is transported in insulated tank Lorries. LSHS is an efficient fuel having higher Calorific value. LSHS is a Class C product, under PESO Classification.

What is the use of LSHS fuel?

Like Furnace Oil, LSHS is used primarily for steam boilers in power plants, aboard ships, and in industrial plants for boilers and furnaces. It is an environment friendly Industrial Fuel for firing Boilers, Furnaces, etc. The main advantage in the use of LSHS lies in its low Sulphur content.

What is the difference between FO and lshs?

It is a neutral liquid (neither acidic nor basic). The gross calorific value of LSHS is slightly higher than that of FO. Also LSHS is a low viscosity fuel oil at handling temperature when compared with the FO. It is measured at 100 deg C.

Trouble shooting with LSHS

One problem with low Sulphur fuels is that they have a high pour point . This means that wax can solidify in fuels if stored below pour point temperature, potentially causing operational issues . Here the use of bunker fuel additives can substantially depress pour point allowing lower value streams to be used.

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