HSFO (High Sulfur Fuel Oil)

image shows VLSFO flow through pipe

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HSFO is High Sulfur Fuel Oil

High Sulfur Fuel Oil, commonly referred to as HSFO, is a category of heavy fuel oils with a maximum sulfur content of 3.5%, as permitted under the ISO 8217 standard. Historically, HSFO has been widely used in the maritime industry due to its cost-effectiveness and availability. However, the high sulfur content in HSFO contributes significantly to sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions, which are harmful to both the environment and human health.

The combustion of HSFO in ship engines releases SOx into the atmosphere, leading to air pollution and the formation of acid rain. These environmental concerns have prompted regulatory bodies, such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO), to impose stricter sulfur limits on marine fuels.

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