Black oils are cheaper now in India. 1-11-2023

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Furnace oil(F.O)5165950389-1270
Light Diesel Oil ( LDO)7477072440-2030

Furnace Oil (F.O), Light Diesel Oil (LDO), Superior Kerosene Oil (SKO) and Pet-coke are the Industrial fuels. These fuels power machinery, heat facilities, and support crucial industrial processes. Oil marketing companies (OMCs) revise the fuel prices on a fortnightly basis in India subject to influences by market dynamics and are subject to revisions by oil marketing companies (OMCs) on a fortnightly basis.

The basic price of Furnace Oil (FO) has decreased by Rs.1270 to Rs.50389 per KL or Rs.1320 per Mt, marking a 2.45% reduction. The basic price of Furnace Oil(F.O) has revised down by Rs.1320 to Rs.52520 per Mt , marking a 2.45% reduction. Light Diesel Oil (LDO) prices reduced Rs.2030 or 2.73% to Rs.72440 per KL at Visakha depot. Superior Kerosene Oil (SKO – Industrial) prices remained unchanged at Rs.93400 per KL from Visakha depot. In Mumbai, Low Sulphur Heavy Stock (LSHS) LSHS prices have increased by Rs.510, reaching Rs.56370 per MT. In Mumbai. Pet coke prices remained steady at Rs.13179 from Kochi. – Your Trusted Source for Industry News and Updates

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