Bunkering News27-05-2019

Check out for Prices!

By Srinivas Chowdary Sunkara // petrobazaar // 27th May, 2019.

Fuel oil (F.O) prices plummeted above $25 or 5.89% last week. Both the 180 cSt and 380 cSt graded fuel oil futures prices are closed last week down by $6.5 or 1.93% at $433 and $401 respectively while MGO prices shed $19 at $598.5 in the Singapore markets. The global crude oil futures prices tumbled massively above 4% last week as the longs preferred to exit from the oil markets.

Turning to IMO-2020 news, Low Sulfur fuel oil(LSFO), defined as having 1% max sulfur content recorded wider premium during the week. The widening gap between the low sulfur swap values suggests an earlier start to IMO-2020  compliance process. Typically, Markets observers are in the opinion that the start of IMO compliance process to fuel changes in the fuel oil market dynamics.

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IMO News courtesy:ship&bunker

Disclaimer: Views and opinions expressed here are personal. This commentary is for information purposes only and not an offer or a solicitation to sell or buy any physical commodities or financial instruments. The views and analysis are based on reliable public information available at the time of writing. This report and its content cannot be copied, redistributed or reproduced in part or whole without the prior written permission of petrobazaar.com

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