Bunkering News 22-7-2019

Check out for Prices!

By Srinivas Chowdary Sunkara // petrobazaar // 22nd July, 2019.

Bunker index continued to moderate downward evolution on Friday. Both the IFO 180 cSt and 380 cSt grade fuel oil prices were closed $0.1 up to $484 and $454 while MGO prices rose $2.5 to $589 on Friday. The Fuel oil prices posted a weekly loss of $41 or 7.98% during the last week. The world oil indexes also dived sharply last week after a surprise build in U.S stocks and weak macro economics. 


Venezuela&#39s massive pull out of business created a big vacuum to the U.S gulf coast and faded the perspective that the 2020 cap could seriously affect the Canada&#39s heavy crude market. According to a 2016 report from Morning star Inc, 0.5% cap is actually seen as the opportunity for the owners of complex plants and helpfully over 80% of USGC crude processing capacity has the coking units needed to fully process heavy crude. 

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Disclaimer: Views and opinions expressed here are personal. This commentary is for information purposes only and not an offer or a solicitation to sell or buy any physical commodities or financial instruments. The views and analysis are based on reliable public information available at the time of writing. This report and its content cannot be copied, redistributed or reproduced in part or whole without the prior written permission of petrobazaar.com

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